Saturday 11 October 2014

Angelings ♥

This Week is Angeling week, exactly 1 year ago, Candired and hollyrenee thought of making a family that would bring peace and love around the world. I feel so proud to be in this family. Loved by all, known by holly and candi. I want to thank all of those who have made my experience one to remember. I know loads and loads of my family now, and i have conversations with them alot. Because i can relate to all of them. My family <3 Please help holly and candi, all through this week, this week is an achievement, 1 whole year. Holly and Candi; Ilysm Forever <3  (a)


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge ♥

Hi! Theres a new thing around on the internet called: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! And my BFF kind of bought it to MSP! I was nominated by her and i nominated: !elian! pearl17 and ItzEpic<3 so they all had to make their movie version in 24 hours,  (too see what i mean go check out my version) and this is what i found 24 hours after i set the challenge (:


Yeeey Well Done Hunni (:

MissEpicGirlx (made on ItzEpic<3)
Mhm yush ty you made it just before the time ended XD 

So careful guys you might get nominated one day! And who knows, i might be nominated once more :/ XDD Okay guys i love you all Team Clouds! Heheh ;u; Baiii x

Sunday 24 August 2014

!elian! Hacked o: ♥

Okay so. !elian! on UK MSP was hacked :OOO and by who???? Well here on her status it says Jamie. 

Anyone know Jamie??? He hacked Issie's tinychat. But little did we know. -said person- lied. It wasn't Jamie. It was. Kat DUN DUN DUNNNNNN :OOO (XDD not trying to shock u all u probs dont know her but just saying *u*) So em yeh. All of her clothes are gone. except diamond. earlier today Ellie told me that her clothes were worth at least over 1 million SC WHAAAAAAAT? And before being hacked, she had 2 bff's and that bff wasn't one of them...
So what happened you think? Probably deleted them. Or as most ppl do. Blocked them. 
Ellie has since then got her pw back, sadly not her account. Her account is back 9:30am 25/08/2014. So tomorrow basically. I wanna say that this wasn't me. I wouldn't hack my bff, like wth. Ellie knows what happened and why and is dealing with the hacker so yeh c: all is good right now. Except the fact she has no clothes. Except diamond and those ^^ But thanks for reading Baiiii :33

Sunday 10 August 2014

The Angelings ♥

I feel so proud to have joined the angelings. The angelings, have made me meet so many people. 1D my bff, i met when i joined the angelings. She welcomed me with open arms into the community. I feel so happy that i can be a part of angeling week. And represent two VERY inspirational people. holly and Candi, they have both managed to find a team that can bring peace, to msp. holly: she is such an amazing person. She takes times to go through everything angelings have done to pay their own tributes. I love her. Like one of my own siblings. 
Candi: yes, she may be 4th place in UK. But she doesnt focus on her status. She focuses on friends. Something you rarely see in people of a high status like her and holly. I could never of imagined that i would be allowed to stand up for things i believed in, whenever i want to. The angelings have made me feel warm, and welcomed. I've started to help people more. None of us are angels. But we try our best (: 

                                                ~Thank you so much holly and candi <3

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Bex ♥

Yush, you saw the title! Bex is BACK!! WOOOO!! Party time! Not alot of ppl know (ofc) except those who are her friend, not me. But Bex sadly cannot add any more ppl D: (Bex why?! DDD:) But i am speaking to her on msp and this is our conversation so far XD 

See, I dont lie to you guys XD But yeyeyeyey! At least we can welcome back the first ever msp user right?! But she's so nice *u* ~Team Bex~ (if there is a team bex o-o)
Peace Out, Deuces XDD

Friday 1 August 2014

Almost Level 21 ♥

yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyey! Im really close to Level 21! I have like 40k left! 

So everyone watch my sm's 1-29, there is a new sm every day! Its for both of our benefits
It helps us both level up :DD

Also if you were wondering who i was messaging, it was Cutie Toots *u*
Cutie is so kind and generous and go and check out her blog: cutie-toots-msp.blogspot
And her youtube: Cutie Toots
She releases 5-10 Sm's PER DAY! Be sure to watch them

Just remember to help me level up C;  Coz like, its been idk 10-20 weeks since i last levelled up :P

Monday 14 July 2014

Life Quote 1 ♥

Hey! I Was scrolling through the internet, till I found i quote, which is very true, and I made one of my own aswell ;D There's also a song i thought i might add to enjoy, life quote of the week/whenever i will post one xDD 

Dappy - No Regrets

missvaid1 ♥

 Hi guys! I want to talk to you guys about one of the nicest users on UK MSP; missvaid1. She is SO nice! Its very rare that you can find a user
with a high level, that as soon as you message them seconds later they reply. And also, she is just a normal person! She isn't fame obsessed (like most high levels these days, heheh ;D) but she just wants you to watch 5 sm's (shortmovies) and its rare that high levelers ask of so little. Yup, she has about 1 million left till level 36. Yesterday i was speaking to her, and this morning aswell. And she was congratulating me on how much fame i have got without my VIP. I said to her that she deserved every bit of fame she gets. And she didn't just say "Oh ty! It means alot to me my fame etc." She said the same back to me, not many people do that anymore. Its nice and refreshing to know that those nice people are still around. missvaid, ily, you are my role model, my inspiration, just look at that beautiful hair -->
Besides, all the time you look stunning on my screen ;D. Guys, just watch her shortmovies but she did say, if you watch them all she thinks that they are very boring xDD (message sent yesterday at about 6pm xDD) missvaid, they are NOT boring, every little helps you know ;P But no matter what, i will support you, and help you as much as i can. And guess what, you do have 1 bff space xDDD (Not giving any hints ;P) But no, i dont deserve that just now ;D I will work hard to earn my place there. Ily ♥

Moving Blogs ♥

Sky93 UK MSP
Hi! I've recently moved blogs, I don't know why, I just felt like moving. So this is my new blog! I hope you like the layout, and the background is similar to my name right?! I'll be posting about 2-4 times per week C: Add me on these games:
UK MSP: Sky93
US MSP: Sky93xxx
IMVU: xSky93x
So em, go add, and to get my skype, you have to know me VERY well C:
Okay baii ♥